Yo yo yo

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gotta pee.

Hokay, so I fail at life a little. Remember my whole "im gunna eat healthy from now on!" speal? I had a McFlurry yesterday :(. I can't help it though! They're so effing good!!!! What made me sad though is that McDonalds only has M&M and Oreo McFulrrys now. Remember the good old day when they had like reese pieces and butter cups and brownie and stuff? Sadly, that is no more and every stink McDonalds across the U.S. (and other countries, if they even have a McDonalds outside the U.S.) has lowered there standards by making me SUFFER with  two flippin choices. I know everyone is probably like...well Gaby, why don't you just go ahead and put your own toppings in. Well thank you America! I know this. That is why next time I decide to not eat healthy, I am going to go to McDonalds with yummy brownie pieces and a peanut butter cup and add it to my McFlurry. I will show you dumb McDonalds people that I can make it better. Ha.

In other news. I didn't tell you guys this but yesterday I went in for an interview for an internship for Baking and Pastry (my current major at the art institute) and I got it. Yay! Although I don't get paid a buttload, its $7.50 an hour and I work like 4 days a week. Suhhweet. I am super nervous. I start on Monday and I think I am going to make some sort of a fool outta myself. I am not very bright you see. No, I am, but sometimes when I am nervous, my brain goes about 5 times slower than normal and it takes me while to process things. Therefore, me being the only girl in the kitchen, I will look like a fool infront of a buncha guys. Maybe. Hopefully not.

Once again, as you know or should by now, tomorrow is PostSecret day (wooohoo!). Come back! Check it out.


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