Yo yo yo

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hello Cupcake

I am DREADING work today! You have no idea. I am so nervous I don't think I will make it without passing out somehow. Buster (de lovely husband) had me read myavergelife.com last night and it made me feel better. It makes me laugh :D.

I need to find a recipe to make one cupcake. Just one. I am not too sure how to proceed. Or to make like a buncha mini cupcakes into a mini cupcake cake. That would be cute. I can't say what it is for exactly yet, but I assure you, you wont be kept in the dark too long!

P.S. if you have any ideas lemme know!
P.P.S: The movie SpaceBalls is dumb, don't watch it. Maybe I should start doing my own movie reviews! I will! But I need to go see a movie first. Like a new movie. I want to go see the movie Fame, it seems good. When it first came out I thought it was going to be like Harry Potter; all magical and spell-ish. Well, my friend told me that it wasn't actually 'magic' they were talking about and more about inspiration.

Also, I am going to start doing a Word of the Day! I am trying to expand my vocabulary and you shall come along for the journey! I am re-reading To Kill and Mockingbird (because I like it, not because I have too) and for poor little 1889 children, they sure do have a big vocabulary and I have no idea what the words mean.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
assuage, apothecary, chattel, tyrannical, vexation, mortification, speculation. amiable, truant, judiciously, auspicious, sluggish, unanimous, dreary, scowl, quell, pursuit, incomprehensible, inquisitive, quibble, ramshackle, malignant, hover, baffle, meditative, perpetrate, ingenuous, diversion, guileless, provocation, evasion, feeble, inconspicuous, simultaneous, jubilant, bedecked, inaudible, undulate, propensity

So uhh yeah.

P.P.P.S: Funny story...or not so funny. When I was little, I use to think it was called Tequila Mockingbird. I am not so sure why, but to my suprise Sopomore year, the cover didn't say anything about Tequila.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Killer poptart....well, it's not the poptarts fault....

So I was sittin round the house today and it is especailly nice outside since it is now fall (officially? I know not), but the leaves are a changin and the weather is some 60 degrees or so out and sunny. Beautiful? Yes! No!!! I tell you why I say both. I woke this morning and thought it was quite lovely weather and it was a quite lovely day. As the day goes on, and I am a tad chilly with the door open (but I MUST keep it open, because how could you not on a day like this I ask?!) I decide that I need to have something warm and yummy. So I go to the pantry and search and search for something I could make or heat up and THERE in the far reaches of the pantry I see an UNOPENED BOX OF STRAWBERRY POPTARTS!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! I kid you not! (this is where the No!!! part comes into play). So I think, WOOOHOOO! What an excellent suggestion from the pantry to provide me with exactly what I was looking for.

So I open the box, grab one poptart (cuz 2 seemed a little too much for so early in the morning) and I put it in the toaster. Now, my sister has decided to have (for reasons I know not) a pop up toaster instead of an easy, I can toast anything!, regular toaster. Examples::::::

This is the kind she owns (it sucks get a toaster oven)

The kind everyone should have, but I am sure you don't.

So, anyhoo, I put my poptart in the popup toaster and you know WHAT?! the thin pastry falls in between the prongs (because its too thin) and up against the little heat thingys that make the things toasty. So I am like OH SHIT! My poptart is going to catch fire. So I go grab a fork and I am just about to stick it in the toaster when I am like OH SHIT! (again) because duh...you cannot stick a metal object in an electrical device, thats suicde. So I drop the fork and for about 5 seconds I am debating with myself because I feel like another personality I didn't know exists was trying to make me commit suicide, and I almost died. So I am alittle freaked at this point and also my poptart is on fire! So I unplug the toaster and am too scared to stick my fork inside the toaster, just incase. So I flip the toaster upside down and shake the shit out of it and crumbs are going all of the damn place and FINALLY the poptart drops from the grasp of the crazy toaster device. It was burnt, and stunk.

I am still somewhat shooken up from this. And I still would like a poptart, but am afraid of the toaster.

My average life

Sorry about no Post Secret Sunday this Sunday guys. I had a rough week with the whole 'work' thing. Here it is, delayed, but better late than never.


I was at work yesterday and the entire kitchen speaks Spanish, so I have decided I NEED to learn Spanish. I am totally uncapable of learning another language I kid you not. I took Spanish from 2nd to 8th grade and nothin. I know hola, gracias, and senior/seniorita. Well they all call me mammi (?) in the kitchen and try their best to explain some things to me. So the only thing I "heard" that has worked is RosettaStone. Has ANYONE looked up the price for that shit? Cha like $500 to learn a language. Only one though. If you want to learn more than that then fuck you're goin broke. Anyway, I got on eBay and bought it for $130, and if it doesn't work, I am going to be extememly pissed. I can't understand these (lovely) people. And I haven't been to a professional kitchen that didn't have Spanish speakers. It's the new thing, and I MUST be apart of it. I will update you on my Journey.


So like I am doin my thing at work and NO ONE wears hats. I know you're suppose too, but like whatever, so I didn't wear my hat. Well this woman who has no idea how to speak a work of english comes up to me and opens a napkin and it had like this black round thing in it that, at first, I thought was a hairball. It was a hairnet. I had to wear my first ever hairnet. Why me? I know not. It was gross. I will bring my hat next time. Observe:

Like, ew.


Anyone seen the 80's movie Real Genius with Val Kilmer? Looks like this:

Welp, I was lookin around at my sisters movies for something to watch. I was feelin in a movie mood and I came across this. It was HILARIOUS. And good. Watch it, you will not be dissappointed I assure you.


Everyone knows Fmylife.com correct? Well, my husband called me up the otherday and he found this new website simliar to FML called Myaveragelife.com. It is SO MUCH BETTER! I was kinda getting annoyed at the fact that FML is all about complaining and at first it was entertaining and after a while I am like...god shut up and quit complaning, plus I could tell when people were making some of this crap up just to get posted. Well MLIA (my life is average)  is the same thing except it isn't about complaning or telling the world about how sucky their day has been. Seriously, go check it out. It's good, funny stuff.


- Today in class, I discovered that the pages in my textbook are thin enough that when I run my hand past, the breeze will carry the page and turn it without me touching it. I spent the rest of class pretending I was a Jedi. MLIA.

FUNNNY! I like it, so you should too.

Today (Tuesday) is my day off. Unfortunetly I will be in hell Wednesday and Thursday. Wish me luck that I survive. I don't want to quit, I don't like quitting. My stress level is way above the norm. It hurts.

-Hope life is good for everyone. Facebook is suggesting so according to everyones 'LIFE IS GOOD!" and "LOVIN LIFE" status'.

--Gaby (with one B)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's Official

I HATE my job. It's awful. I got yelled at all yesterday after being there 9 hours and apparently I don't wear the correct type of shoes so that is why my back, feet, and toes hurt so bad. Plus my toes are hella bruised because of it. I am a baby and cried from the moment I got into the car on the way home last night until this afternoon. I don't want to go back, I want to quit, but it's only my 3rd day so I am not sure what to do. Seriously I did EVERYTHING wrong and I see no possible way I will ever be able to please the head honcho.

I am very stressed, stressed like nobodys business and it's taking a serious toll on my mood. It's like Hells Kitchen in there. EFNV ALR' SKOGNFVFACXPOCFMV SAC, seriously I am going to cry again.

I know I am bitching, but I am going through so much change and it sucks. I can't deal and I feel I am going to burn out any second. I have double the classes starting October 6th and I have no clue how I am going to do this. If anyone has any words of wisdom...let me know...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Workin' updateddd

Well, I got home last night around 8ish and clunked out. I worked my butt off last night and my back hurts, and my feet hurts, and I am not sure how I actually feel about this. I know that I don't like having a job. My particular job though, I will have to let you know how it goes. The place is super fancy! Butlers everywhere. They open doors for you and are super nice to the staff and everyone knew I was coming. I met a lot of people and everyone already knew who I was (made me feel kinda famous ;D) and they were all super super nice.

So anyway, I got in, got a tour of the place then walked a few blocks down too the other location I will be working at and met everyone over there. It was all super overwhelming! I was freaking out at first. But as the day wound down and I was let loose to go make stuff (brownies, cream pie filling, whipped cream, cookies)it started getting better.

I think I just need to get use to everyone, and the routine and figure out where everything is and not step on anyones toes. I have work again Wednesday. Whooo.

I dew hope things get good and I hope I enjoy my job. It would suck if I hated it so I am going to try my very best!

I have school in a few hours until 5:40, so I have things to procrastinate about.

.Mustard. Mayo. Ketchup....on a dish....

The BEST BURGER EVER!! (let me say I absolutley hate burgers!) It was amazing!

Circle butter!

Cute little rolls :)

Monday, September 21, 2009


Well, today will be my very first day of work. I'm nervous. I mean I guess who isn't on there first day of anything, but I look like a complete dork in my uniform. Especially the hat. Ohh that dumb hat is ridiculous looking. Maybe I am getting stressed over nothing, maybe I will like it and this is just a waste of crazy. OR what if it's horrible and everyone is smarter than me and thinks I am a stupid intern who doesn't know anything and doesn't have any special qualities and wont ever make it in society?! Wow, just, ugh. This could be really bad.

I guess I will update you when I get back. I am not too sure when I get off. Maybe around 5ish. I start in 4 hours. Well 3 and a half ish hours. Ooooh boy, I feel dizzy. Maybe nausous. SERIOUSLY?! Someone please tell me I am so over reacting. I'll either have a great day or a ughh day. OR a horrible, terrible, stressful day.

Wish me luck America.....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gotta pee.

Hokay, so I fail at life a little. Remember my whole "im gunna eat healthy from now on!" speal? I had a McFlurry yesterday :(. I can't help it though! They're so effing good!!!! What made me sad though is that McDonalds only has M&M and Oreo McFulrrys now. Remember the good old day when they had like reese pieces and butter cups and brownie and stuff? Sadly, that is no more and every stink McDonalds across the U.S. (and other countries, if they even have a McDonalds outside the U.S.) has lowered there standards by making me SUFFER with  two flippin choices. I know everyone is probably like...well Gaby, why don't you just go ahead and put your own toppings in. Well thank you America! I know this. That is why next time I decide to not eat healthy, I am going to go to McDonalds with yummy brownie pieces and a peanut butter cup and add it to my McFlurry. I will show you dumb McDonalds people that I can make it better. Ha.

In other news. I didn't tell you guys this but yesterday I went in for an interview for an internship for Baking and Pastry (my current major at the art institute) and I got it. Yay! Although I don't get paid a buttload, its $7.50 an hour and I work like 4 days a week. Suhhweet. I am super nervous. I start on Monday and I think I am going to make some sort of a fool outta myself. I am not very bright you see. No, I am, but sometimes when I am nervous, my brain goes about 5 times slower than normal and it takes me while to process things. Therefore, me being the only girl in the kitchen, I will look like a fool infront of a buncha guys. Maybe. Hopefully not.

Once again, as you know or should by now, tomorrow is PostSecret day (wooohoo!). Come back! Check it out.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

This black man once told me..

Nothing, I am just kidding. I didn't talk to no black man....not that I don't like black people. I'm not racest I swear.

I'm sitting in the hallway waiting for my Public Speaking class to being and you know what? I am feeling a little odd. Maybe it's because I ate so efifng much today and it isn't even 2 pm yet. Let's list what I have eaten today: A cup o' tea, cereal, french vanilla coffee, crackers, apple slices, some cheese cubes, med fry from mcdonalds, mcflurry, and now a lolly pop. Holy shit, it was more than I thought it was going to be. I am not fat, but I really don't want to gain weight. So, as of today, I am going to eat more healthy!! Yep, I am! I usually eat healthy, but I need to not be in bad shape by the time I am 30 cuz after 30, it's all down hill from there.

Ugh I feel sick! My tummy hurts.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

...I don't know what this post should be titled...

Hello people! Before I get into my speal of the day, click this! Read it. It will make you LOL I promise. http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1791517

So I am feeling better now....after 30 or so hours I finally can BREATHE. I am frustrated about it too, because I got nothing accomplished, I missed 2 classes yesterday (yes it was just that dire) and I am still having a bit of trouble breathing which is okay. I am just super glad I am not dead. I'm sure everyone and their grandma has heard that poor poor Patrick Swayze has died. RIP.

I am getting kinda homesick which SUCKS. The days I don't have school I kinda just sit around and I get so bored and since I was sick and I don't care if you laugh at this, but since I was sick and all I really REALLY got homesick, because my mom wasn't there to help me out ya know? Luckily my wonderful oldest sister stayed home from work to make me tea and to make sure I didn't stop breathing or have some kind of seizure.

Okayy, sorry this is boring and whatever but I need to study (sleep).

Monday, September 14, 2009


I seriously am NOT being dramatic and I mean this whole heartidley (spelling??). I am now not mellow, but my head feels kinda like...you know when your foot falls asleep and you get that weird tickley feeling in it? Well my head just did that. I am having shortness of breath AND now when I just sat up, my right ear got a bad ringing sound in it and I went deaf in it for like 2 minutes. Seriously this is the truth, no dramatization. I am kinda really worried here, cuz I gotta take it again tomorrow before school and I might pass out or
something. I am kinda scared and I don't want to call the doctor. I don't feel like going over there or whatever. Idk I could just be overeacting and it could be nerves, but I seriously don't like this at all. Uggggggggggggggggh. Help D:


So, today I went to the doctor about my "cold" (not a cold, not sick, just allergies...wtf). He gave me some pills, for some stuff, but I don't feel like getting into that since they are for personal reasons, but holy cow. He said there could be side affects such as: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, chest pains, etcs. I never get the side affects (effects?) with these things so I didn't worry about it.

So I took one about an hour ago and I am MELLOW. Shhhit. I don't like it at all. I feel out of it, way too calm. At first I started having a mild panic attack, because I didn't know what the heck was going on and now I feel like I just smoked 12 joints plus downed a 60 oz Octain. Agh. I'm not sure if this is a good thing that I am not so stressed (not that I really was to being with) but I am super calm like....whatever man.

I have to take one before school tomorrow and I hope I don't act stupid or anything at school. I need to give it a chance and to get use to it. I only take em' for a month, but I don't know if it will last that long.

Pray I don't freak and/or act dumb. I hope I can stick it out...shoot it's only for 30 days!

I hope eveyone saw the VMA's last night and what a complete ASS Kanye made out of himself. Poor, poor Taylor. Well, we love you Taylor! You're great (so is Beyonce). She didn't deserve to have her special night ruined like that at all. But Beyonce, being the great, wonderful person she is, made it semi-better by being  (of course) wonderful. Lady Gaga was just a little strange with her feathers and Pink rocked it singing upside down an all. Wow. Great show/sad show. It was quite the night.

I hope everyone is doing well....everyones getting sick! Wear your masks and don't get the swine!

P.S. Buy a swine flu doll on amazon (?)

Have a greeeeeat week people!

-Mellow (Gaby) :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Duh, it's SUNDAY! Check it:

More Sunday secrets : http://postsecret.blogspot.com/

Friday, September 11, 2009


I THINK IM GETTING SICK! This is NOT good news. Lemme tell you something....I woke up this morning with a sore throat! Wow. Like....I was mad. I literally panicked, ran out of my room, grabbed my sister and told her whats up. So she calmley gave me a tube of AirBorne (clearley not aware of my life being at stake) and I swear I chugged that nasty crap in record time (like 10 whole seconds!). I feel slightly better, but let me tell you people...if I know ANYTHING about a cold or the flu it's that this sore throat will be back! And it will be back with a vengence. So I quickly made an appointment with the doctor (on Monday). Glad I did too, cuz right when I got off the phone I sneezed like twice. What if it's H1N1? I hate hate HATE being sick.

And just to let anyone know....Halls Watermelon cough drops are delicious. If you go buy cough drops for whatever reason, get the Halls Watermelon. They're addicting.

P.S. Kevin Costner is a babe. I was watching Message in a Bottle the other day and WOW. I would pounce on that man if we ever came in contact. It's a good movie too, sad, but good. Okay, I need to attend to my cold now. Get sommore Vitamin C and such. Come back Sunday for PostSecret day!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hello all!

I'd just like to report that HOLY COW IT'S COOLD! 60 degrees outside people, wow. Thats crazy it's the kinda middle of September, whats up with that. The weather is pleasent, my mood is pleasent, college is delightful....kinda. It will get better, I really think so (hope).

IN OTHER EXCITING NEWS: My lovely, lovely, grandparents saw fit to get me a netbook! For those people who are not educated on the Netbooks, they're like mini laptops. Well, not just because they thought I should get one, but for school purposes of course. Well, its adooooooorable! It looks like this::

:) I love it! Get one! They're awesome!
In other news, I hate the metro, someone died today. Got runned over by the train. It's sad. RIP.
Have a happy Thursday :D

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My bestie :D

Hello all. I'd like to tell EVERYONE what an amazing best friend I have. He is absolutley wonderful!

True story: Today was a wonderful day. I went to school and everything was going peachy! Class was boring, but I have a great bunch of friends and we did interesting things through out the day which made it dandy. Anyhoo.....it was all good UNTIL I had an unfortunet encounter at home that made my day go from delightful to down a port-o-pot full of shit. So I call my best friend and HE COMES TO MY RESCUE! Just like I knew he would.

He made me feel so much better and I just needed to dedicate this blog to him, because he is an amazing best friend and I can always count on him. I miss him so much and I can't wait to see him!

P.S. he is also my loving husband! We are expecting a baby in the fall.

Muhh Bestie, Busta

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Muh New Budds

Ha sorry I am posting so much today guys...well to those who keep getting update e-mails. It's been a crAzy day. Hokay so quick story. So I am at Staples getting some ink for my printer ha they had the cutest thing I have ever seen! M&M earbuds! Holy cow I had to get some. I got red :) Heres a picture! Happy Sunday!

My Day with Chef

I am suppose to be doing homework as you can see, but I am soooooo not anywhere near motivated. I went for a run this morning which was just peachy when a car tried to run me over. Sabatoge I believe, but who knows there motive. So I am sitting here trying to do my homework and let me tell you how many times I have gotten distracted. I woke up around 6....for God only knows that reason. I decided to go back to sleep around 7 cuz hell....the sun wasn't even warm yet. I re-awoke by 10ish-11 and that was pleasent until I remember what I had to do today (homework).

I got up, got some food (distraction #1), after I was done eating I decided I could not work in the messy condition my room was in so I cleaned it (distraction #2). Then by then I was ready to sit down and do my paper. Everything was goin good and all until there was this bug(distractions 3-5). I wasn't bothering him, he wasn't bother me so I gave him a name, because well...he was being nice an all. I called him Chef. Chef obviously got bored with my paper, just like I was and he was all like...I gotta get outta here. So I agreed and he was flyin places and I decided to follow him because he looked like he was doing something far more exciting. So we were walking/flying around the house and I got the impression he wanted to take a walk in the coolness of this here September weather. So I open the door and we are outside for about 10 seconds and he like flys away. WTF? I was like...okay Chef, whatever.

So I go back inside and the dog is going nutz(distraction #6) cuz she wants a carrot I think so I gave her one and came back to my room and you know what?! It was lunch time! (distraction #7) So I was like...well I can't work on an empty stomach so I go get some more food an all (distraction #8) and head back to my room. Then I had to pee (#9), THEN I was finally ready to still not work. So I am now writing in my blog(#10), telling you lovely people about my adventure because I cannot leave an audience in the dark.

P.S. if you have any comments about anything posted on Kissing the War Goodbye...go ahead! Click the little comment button on the bottom of each post. Hope everyone is enjoying their LDW.




It's amazing! Watch it, love it, get inspired :D


ITS POSTSECRET DAAYYY!! Wooohooo! Yes it is! And I am sure you also know that I post my favorite PostSecret of the week and leave the rest up to you! Here it is: (its true, not going to lie. I am a victum of this).
Go read more Sunday Secrets!!

I hope everyone is having a lovely LDW.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day Weeeeekend.

What up people? Hokay so it's Labor Day weekend and for some reason that means the streets are crAzy with nonsense so I think I am going to chillax at home and do some homework. Gotta work on my speech and whatnot. I'm not really sure if anyone is concered with this H1N1 b.s., but I sure as hell do not want to get it! Everyone has it now and I am frightened for my life. I know it's not that dire, but still. I would really like to know if anyone else knows anything I could do to prevent this stuff from attacking my body. I can't get to the doctor until the 14th :(

Anyway, I was scannin through the channels late last night cuz I couldn't sleep and GUESS WHAT?! Journey's 1981 Escape Tour was on TV! Like holy crap when does that ever happen? I watched it! DuHH. Here are some clips for you poor fellas who unfortunetly missed  it:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpclWbXh6UI

In other news, hopefully everyone will be back tomorrow for POSTSECRET DAY! The greatest day of all!!

P.S. On my morning commute to school, I have to ride up a 10 minute escalator. The biggest freakin escalator alive...seriously. Heres a picture. Its like a sky scraper:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mott's Sliced Apples on the GO! / I'm sorry Ms. Jackson

They're perrrrrrrrrrrrfect! No lie...they come in a convient little pack and you can tote it around in your bag for a nice refreshing snack or even for healthy lunchs! I do it! I do...for lunch sometimes...

Yeah, I am promoting todaaaaaaaay! Knoww why? No, of course you don't. Well I'll tell ya...I have been asked (by un-named secret source/business) to promote on my blog about the awareness of HIV! Please just read okay. Humor me, the secret service men, and the community of those with HIV/AIDs.

It's baaad...real bad. Don't have unprotected sex guys...better yet...don't have sex at all. You will get AIDs and die. But if you are going to go against my warning...please take to heart these things.. GET TESTED. If you're a prostitute (def: whore) or just like to play the field (you men), go get tested before you do it again. Wear a condom and hope for the best. Also, please visit this website for further information on awarness and protection (NCA: National Condom Association). http://www.worldvision.org/


I hope this little boring ad didn't discourage you from furture visits. Come back! Hear me complain!!

-Gaby(with one B)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Diva is the Female Version of a Hustler

Yo peoplez. Hokay so I was totally NOT ready to give my speech today. Dreading it, I asked to go first so that I could get this crazy humiliation over with and you know what?! The heavens opened WIDE up and thank you Juan! Our speeches were postponed until Tuesday cuz this man <~ Juan (adj. Wu-an) asked our crazy African teacher if we could just do it Tuesday. WHYY didn't I think of this?! Well you see ladyz and boys...I did...infact I thought about it twice, maybe even three times. But the fact of this shitty matter is that our crAzy African lady teacher is kinda scary. Well shes more like horrifying. She is like some scary shit okay like I can't even describe it. Just know...she's crazy...and African. (note: I sincerely don't discriminate, but to, infact, get the whole affect...you need a visual).

Long story waaaaaay short....no speech...now I can re-dread it on Tuesday (yaY!)

I want these Twilight dollz. Like bad.
Listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=barLaHrtvoM

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Take it on the run baaaabbbyy

: D guess who

FYI: Take It On The Run = REO

(good song...listen...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkzeZb2E62U)

Vista Visual

Don't ask about the blog titles, I know not myself.

Okay so I am totally stressin'. I have an 8 minute speech to give tomorrow during class on why to spay and neutor your pets. No, thats not it....I absolutly hate the metro. I was on it yesterday and I got hit on by an old man with crazy eyes. But that is not the only reason I hate hate HATE the metro....its because its wiggly. It tilts and moves and jumps and its like crazy! And everyones like...."oh yeah yeah yeah its so safe!" "You have more chance dying in a car"...blah blah liars. I was going home yesterday and I have no clue what the heck was going on with the train I was in, but it was going nuts. Like tilting and and jiggling and we passed through a tunnel and it like scraped the edges on the tunnel I was freakin' out. I'm not going to cause a scene on the metro and have people stare at me, but oh my god I was about to cry.

Anyway, I don't know exactly how this is going to go about for the rest of my school carrer cuz there is no way I can possible go through that everyday. Blah. If you take the metro...I pray for you.
If you can possibly help me with my speech, than HELP. No way am I going to be able to talk for 8 minutes...I'll probably pass out or somethin.

Inside the scary ass metro.

Chronicles of a Drama Queen

I'll admit, I can be a drama queen. BUT that does not excus the fact that I have something horrific to say and I wish everyone would understand this, because I AM NOT BEING DRAMATIC HERE PEOPLE.

I am a fish KILLER. Right after my goldfish died and I held a little bathroom service for her, I went out to try and replace my sadness by buying another fish. I ended up coming home with two black Molly fish from the pet store. I did not have those poor, cute, tiny, fish for more than two hours.

Anyhoo, I am telling you this because I feel I owe it to Lady Gibbles, Molly, and No-name, to put them in remembrance. All they wanted was to be looooooooved and cared for and I, obviously, could not do that.
So I am terribly sorry to my victums. It was accidental, I assure you.