Yo yo yo

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I seriously am NOT being dramatic and I mean this whole heartidley (spelling??). I am now not mellow, but my head feels kinda like...you know when your foot falls asleep and you get that weird tickley feeling in it? Well my head just did that. I am having shortness of breath AND now when I just sat up, my right ear got a bad ringing sound in it and I went deaf in it for like 2 minutes. Seriously this is the truth, no dramatization. I am kinda really worried here, cuz I gotta take it again tomorrow before school and I might pass out or
something. I am kinda scared and I don't want to call the doctor. I don't feel like going over there or whatever. Idk I could just be overeacting and it could be nerves, but I seriously don't like this at all. Uggggggggggggggggh. Help D:

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