Yo yo yo

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

College....and life...the usual..


So, I have been really frustrated lately on a lot of things which is why I have kinda stayed away from Facebook and Blogspot. But if it's one thing I truly hate, is Facebook drama. Facebook is not a way to tell everyone your problems, because no one cares, and I don't like logging onto my account just to see people complain about their lives and drama. Save it for myspace. Not my twitter though cause in case you haven't noticed, you can post that you're taking a crap and it's totally acceptable.(Not that I posted that I was taking a crap....cause girls don't do that sort of thing. Taking a crap I mean). <~~~joke.

Speaking on such, some guy (who I know, who is 23) asked me if girls pick their nose? I was like....why wouldn't we? I mean, in private anyway, but it just made me more aware of how different girls mannerisms are to guys...

So I would just like to say that if you have never been to Co. Co. Sala, it's the best thing EVER. It's a chocolate bar. A CHOCOLATE BAR! I ate so much sugar, I thought I was seeing the hershey man. I went there with some of my friends last night in DC, and when we were done we walked around a little cause Sarah really had to pee and we couldn't find anything non-ghetto or non-crowded. So, we are walking around and these people, like a shit ton of them, have on these blue and orange bands around their a arms and they're running around and pushing us out of the way. So this one chick like barrels though us and this guy is chasing her  I am like, hell no, she better have a good reason for this nonsense. So I turn around and ask these guys why they're wearing these colored arm bands and they explain that it's a city wide game of Zombies verses Humans. Yeah... ya see, in Louisiana, we play Quittich....ya know, like on Harry Potter. I'm being dead serious. We have people running around on broom sticks, and hoops, and even a seeker (a guy on a broom running around with a sock in his pocket.) Actual Footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSxPFNny4A4&feature=related, but zombies verses humans is just plum ridiculous. 

So, anyways Co. Co. Sala was good times. We got personalize cocoa, mine was peanut butter. And 5 course desserts. It was good times. AND our waiter was a hottie, so that's a plus.

I very much strayed away from why I am frustrated, so back on track. A lot of people know by now that I am moving back home, and leaving the art institute, and I keep getting calls, texts, Facebook messages, from my friends and family all concerned and whatnot. I wasn't answering anyone's questions at the time. Well, I haven't really talked to anyone about it except my mother and basically my reasons are these. I came up to DC for college for culinary arts, and I was very apprehensive about moving up here and unfortunately I let other people convince me it was something I wanted to do, when I knew it wasn't. I did though, try my best when I came up here. I had a positive attitude and I did my best in school, which I can't complain about my grades, because they're really good, but being here a year has been really crazy. I loved living with my sister, but I just don't think Virginia and Washington is my kind of place. I can honestly say the school I go to really blows, the administration is awful, and the teachers are not good. I have lost any interest I had in culinary, and sadly that was what I thought I really wanted to do with my life. I can say though, is that I made a really good group of friends. I'm really going to miss them.

 I'm not dropping out of college though. I have been accepted into multiple University's in Louisiana as a transfer student and I will start my fall quarter back home where I feel I will be most happy. I hope this clears up a lot of questions about whats going on. I haven't really talked to anyone about this because I wasn't ready to answer questions. I have been doing a lot of thinking, just trying to re-group myself which has been harder than I expected. I don't know what I will do in college as far as majors go. I can't call my time here wasted exactly, but more of an experience. All I can say is that (any really not trying to be sappy) you should really do what you want to with your life, or what you know you should. I let other people convince me that I had no other choice, which was not the case now that I look back, and I ended up going in the wrong direction.

Basically, that is it. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Holes In Muhh Pants :O


I have a story! About holes in muhh pants!

So, I was at the grocery store a few days ago picking up some Kix, cause seriously I have an addiction with those tiny bread balls. I eat a giant box once a week. Yup. So I was in the cereal isle at Giant and I was searching for my Kix and this old guy comes down the isle and I didn't notice him or anything so it's not like when you know you make eye contact with a stranger and look away, or don't look away, but they think it's okay to say whats on their mind like for example....wow it's hot in here! Or whoops, dropped my chapstick! No this never happened so it was even more odd, cause if we would have had made brief eye contact then I wouldn't find this so strange. Anyway, so I was looking for Kix and this old guy comes up the isle all hunch backed and skinny like they are sometimes (I love old people...like grandparents, they're cute so I am not all against old people cause old people are awesome) and he says something super low and I got the feeling he was talking to me (cause he was....and cause I was the only person in the isle) and I said, "what?" (in a nice tone) and he said........"I'm going to buy you a new pair of pants," and I stood there confused for a second, cause who wouldn't be? And then I was like, "huh?" and he said, "yours have holes in them, I am going to buy you a new pair!" and he laughed which was good cause if he was serious I might have yelled rape or something. So I laughed too cause my jeans do have holes in the knees. Then he just stood there waiting for me to say something so I told him that my legs are super white so I would be too embarrassed to wear shorts right now, but it's too hot outside to wear full on jeans and these were my compromise, because they have ventilation. So he accepted this and moved on to his shopping. The End.

So, my oldest sister had a 30---something birthday on Saturday, and I made her a cake! I was rushed so it doesn't exactly look all that nice, but it was lemon. I like lemon. Who doesn't really?

Yup. ALSO, I would like to show you how strange my school is. Seriously, they're super ghetto which is why I am leaving in 2 months.
They're tampons. Just sittin out in the middle of the hall by the student lounge on a table. Like, ?

Some stuff to check:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJsJ5dW7jHo (if you ever do anything for the rest of your life, you need to watch this.)

ALSO, this kid I found on Youtube, who isn't so interesting, but his hair amazes me. http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialBAMF#p/u/12/XTB0LFtuheo