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Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Killer Poptart II

We will get to the Killer Poptart part later.

Once upon a time....like 9 months ago, when I was in high school we did this play in theatre (yes, I was a theatre geek) called A Piece of My Heart. It was about the war (I don't recall which war cause this was like 9 months ago seriously) and what the nurses in the war went through. Maybe it was the Vietnam war. Yeah, I think it was Vietnam. I remember people saying "nam" a lot so it must be Vietnam. Anyways....it was about the hardship of the nurses of the Vietnam war and during one of the scenes they were at this night club smokin pot (pretending to smoke pot. Not actual pot, not that you didn't know that but just to be clear) and they were dancing all groovy-like to this song by Buffalo Springfield called For What Its Worth. So, me, being a flower child an all got totally attached to this song.

I kinda forgot where I was going with this story...

On to the KILLER POPTART....(part 2).

If you are an avid and dedicated reader to Kissing The War Goodbye than you know that once upon a time in August of 09, I wrote a piece (a blog, but it sounds more creative when I say 'a piece') on my Killer Poptart Expeirence . Well, I am bringing this up again,


I will not be dying from a toaster anytime soon! Yesssss! (that was a victory Yessss! not a Yes! Yesssss!)

So my sister has decided to come to her senses and BUY A REAL TOASTER! Cha!
This is a demo, ours is black, BUT my point here is...I CAN MAKE CHEESEY BREAD!! And warm Poptarts!

So, if you have no idea what I yam talkin bout, go click the link I made for you above(cause I am crafty like that) and read my Killer Poptart experience.

Here is a random picture of me when I was a tiny little geeky child with glasses and braces:
I'm in the red. My twin sister is in the blue and my other sister is in the middle.

Since my sister (the one in the middle) decided to thoughtfully tag me on FACEBOOK with this lovely, yet embarrassing picture, I thought it only fair to show my blog readers cause..I might as well.

Okay! So my point about Vietnam and Buffalo Springfield.
So, I get all attached to this song and I am like...holy crow I am so musically cultured (it's true) but somehow I missed this amazing song?! So, I go on LimeWire (I am an illegal downloader) and download this song. Then LimeWire goes ahead and recommends all these songs that these other people downloaded along with this Buffalo Springfield song and it totally escalated my entire iTunes library into something HUGE. Like, I was introduced to all kinds of new artist from like....Janice Jopin to The Cure to Journey....I mean...how do you not know who JOURNEY is?! I didn't. I feel so blocked off from the entire world because I missed out on all this great music.

I THEN I download all the JOURNEYsongs I can find, cause once you hear Journey you can never listen to anything else until you die basically. And so I downloaded Bob Marley and it recommended me this movie (which I was so not going to download off of LimeWire cause it was probably gay clown porn or something along those lines) so I go rent it. OH MY GOD. People, if you never watch another movie again it will be because you saw Taking Woodstock. I wanted to do Acid after I saw this movie (not really) but seriously, nothing could compare. Once again, I should have been borin in the 60's so if you aren't into 60's-80's music and don't like the idea of the hippie movement then don't listen to anything I am saying here.

True Story: So, I was on the Metro on Thursday and I was sitting next to this guy and I was listening to my iPod whichthe song Asleep, by the Smiths was playing and he was like......oh wow! The Smiths! And I am like...uh what? Cause I had my headphones in. So I shut off my music and I look at him and I am kinda like...oh wow, cute guy hello! And then he looked and repeated himself and then said ...I don't think I know anyone who likes the Smiths. I love the Smiths!

And I was seriously half asleep, and kinda mesmerized by this super cute guy so I think he thought I had a brain defficency and so he was like...."ohhkay?" cause I was kinda trying to process what he was saying and blinking at him for seriously 7 whole seconds (I was half a awake here.) And so after my brain understood what he was saying I was like..."oh my god! Sorry! My blood sugars low, I'll eat an apple and get back to you." And seriously I WAS HALF ASLEEP. So he kinda laughed at me and reached in his bag and pulls out a green apple and I am like... wow, you're really cute! We talked, then I had to get off. So, THE END.


  1. This is BS. I introduced you to Journey. I take full credit.

  2. Lies! You were just my friend that happened to share my LOVE for Journey!

  3. No way. I played Journey in my car one night and you were like who is that? And I was freaking out because I was like what the hell is wrong with you that you've never heard of Journey.
