WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Gaby :D
Yo yo yo
Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Movies, and blizzards
So, uh I am stuck in the middle of a blizzard.....yes...a real live blizzard....during the Christmas holidayz might I add...
You know like on the Hallmark channel how they always have those heart touching Christmas movies around this time and they usually have to do with getting stuck in the snow with someone of the opposite sex you don't like very much, but then you end up falling in love and making it all a warm and fuzzy moment? Well I feel like that right now, cause I am stranded in my apartment building in 25 inches of snow....except there is no man or anything so thats a bummer. Here are some pictures for your visual understanding:
Click these two links for two DIFFERENT videos of said blizzard mAniAAA!!
And click here to see the trailer for the 2 movies that just came out that I really want to see!!
You know like on the Hallmark channel how they always have those heart touching Christmas movies around this time and they usually have to do with getting stuck in the snow with someone of the opposite sex you don't like very much, but then you end up falling in love and making it all a warm and fuzzy moment? Well I feel like that right now, cause I am stranded in my apartment building in 25 inches of snow....except there is no man or anything so thats a bummer. Here are some pictures for your visual understanding:
This is me, standing at a stop sign....yes, thats me sinking in the snow.
Da Trees
The pool area...these are the beach chairs or whatever you call them, sunk.
My poor car...
A mountain of snow
Front of my building.
Sunken Cars
Back Porch; though you can't see much.
Freakin' crazy man skiing down the street....
That's not all, but you will have to go to my facebook for the rest of them cause their is a lot.
And click here to see the trailer for the 2 movies that just came out that I really want to see!!
Last Day of Hannukkah D:
Well people,
today is the very last day of Hannukkah. I took a picture,so you can share it with me sorta :D.
Tomorrow I am supposed to be flying HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME! Yeah, like, New Orleans home! Not the Missouri or DC home. But there is a tad problem. It's blizzarding outside. Yes, their is like a freaking blizzard right outside my front door. What a coincidence, right? I mean the very last break I will have for the rest of the year is this one and it's snowing cotton balls. I hope my flight isn't cancelled, because I might just cry.
today is the very last day of Hannukkah. I took a picture,so you can share it with me sorta :D.
I'm not sure if I mentioned this in a previous blog or not, but my sister got me this cute little childrens book called Dreidel Cat.
It's about this man cat that tells the story of Moses and all to his kittens. It's quite interesting.
So, I went to the mall today to meet my mom and holy cheese puffs was it packed! Everyone and their grandma was there. I was like, you stupid people should have gotten your Christmas shopping over with a month ago like me! But, not everyone can be as smart as some...I mean this IS
Okay, I have discovered some songs! Some maybe be old, but I was on YouTube and (look this kid up) this 15 yearold named Tyler has like some cute videos. He is pretty handy with his special effects. TCproductionsx. Look him up. So, anyways he had some songs on his videos that I liked so I yam sharing:
-There's a Class for This by Cute Is What We Aim For
- Strawberry Avalanche by Owl City
- No. 5 by Hollywood Undead
-FSCENE8 by The Medic Droid
- Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars
- Two is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift
- My Worst Nightmare by Forever the Sickest Kids
- Whoa Oh! by Forever the Sickest Kids
They're good. I added them to my Mix Tape to jam to in tha car. For Realzz.
Things I Am Looking Forward To At Home:
1. Seeing my grandparents
2. Seeing my dogs Zoey and Echo
3. Eating goooooood food!
4. Hangin out with my bestest friends!!
5. Taking lots of pictures
6. Finding my video camera out of the storage boxes (I accidently packed it in the move :O)
7. Seeing my favorite weather people on TV
8. Hearing all the gossip I have not been able to recieve
9. Christmas in the Oaks!!
10. Being a minority
11. Taking late night trips to Starbucks and Barns and Noble with Nick
12. Bein called Candy Cane girl by Kenny
13. Pictonary battles!
14. Torturing Erica :D
15. Getting all the presents my family has been backed up on giving me since my birthday!
16. Christmas, DUH!
17. Zacks yogurt (yummmmmmmmmmmm)
18. The mall!!!!!!!!!!!
19. Saints fan crazyness on Sundays.
20. Hobos on burbon street with their saxaphones and balloon animals.
I could really go on, and on, and on. I am hoping to do a lot while I am in. I don't have all that much time, so none must be wasted! Wish me luck that my flight comes, cause otherwise I will make you responsible.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
WebCam Fun :D
I was really bored today...all until JUST NOW! I was despritley searching for something somewhat interesting to do and so I was searching my computer for something entertaining and stumbled (clicked) upon my webcam that came with my computer. Wow. Is that thing awesome!! You can do all kinds of shit on it!! Anyway, I took some pictures for you guys! I hope you enjoy:

I was really bored today...all until JUST NOW! I was despritley searching for something somewhat interesting to do and so I was searching my computer for something entertaining and stumbled (clicked) upon my webcam that came with my computer. Wow. Is that thing awesome!! You can do all kinds of shit on it!! Anyway, I took some pictures for you guys! I hope you enjoy:

"The Fish"
"The Squished Face"
I'm eating my face in this one!
Nom nom nom...I eated you.
I'M JESUS!! Look, you can see the light that shines off of my head!
Disfunctionaly, me.
Eyebrow explosion!
De Alien
Sad, disfunctional, me
Me, sneezing...
I'm melllllllllllllllllting!
These are pictures, by me, of me. I hope you have enjoyed.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I'm very happy to share my blog with you this week (more than any other week anyway), because today is day 2 of HANUKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! I yam Jewish. Here is my Menorah:
That's all about being jewish, eating Matzo, wearing yammicas, and it being Hanukkah. Now, on to FOOD!
Okay, so we made a variety of delicious things today:
It is lovely :D
So, since I am not home and cannot recieve my eight gifts this year, my lovely lovely sister (whom is Catholic might I add) is trying her hardest to accomodate me. She doesn't need to, but she is a lovely person like I said. So, yesterday for the first day of Hanukkah she got me a BestBuy gift card :) and today she got me gelt! Which is chocolate in gold covering in the shape of coins. It looks like money, but it's I said. Looks like dis:
Lovely :D
And it's yummy!
So that is NOT all. Everyone in class is aware of my jewish-ness and I brough Matzo. Uhh (for you uncultured people, Matzo looks like this:)
It's un-levened bread. It's delicious with cream cheese.
Okay, so I share my Matzo. People love it. And today, my friend named Juan who isn't Jewish, but once upon a time went to a bar mitzvah (P.S. if you spell bar mitzvah out onto your iPhone is corrects it to armpits hahaha), and they gave him a yammica and he brought it and wore it to class today so I wouldn't be the only Hanukkah celebrater in class today! How nice. Here he is:
And here is MarQuise. He wanted to be a black Jew (his words, not mine.)
That's all about being jewish, eating Matzo, wearing yammicas, and it being Hanukkah. Now, on to FOOD!
Okay, so we made a variety of delicious things today:
Freakin fruit baskets! They're da bomb. Fo sho.
FRUIT TART! I made it. Looks delicious cuz it WAS!
I so so so so made these crepes AND the raspberry whipped cream (my own invention; should be sold for $100 an ounce it was so amazing!) And I made raspberry sauce, and raspberry jelly! It was a raspberry day.
We made other things as well, but this week was THE BEST food week ever.
THAN, for the best stinkin part EVER! After we ate, our Chef gave us all like little bags with crap in it and mine and some others had a water gun in it. Holy crap, we had a war. Like I was so soaked when I was done it was ridiculous. I would have taken pictures, but uhh I was too busy shooting water & lemonade at people.
P.S. It doesn't look crazy and insane at all, but I assure you it really was.
But here is a picture of me and muhh amazing team. We got 1st this week. Cuz we da bomb!!
The End :D
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas Trees, Metro Poop, and Crazy Dogs
Like I said in my previous blog about it snowing and getting a christmas tree (picture included), I said I would put up the final product of THE CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looky::
Not lit
Tis very pretty :D
Now, for the crazy dog part:
This dog here:
Looks mean?
Not quite. But she BARKS like nobodys freakin business. Let me tell you something, this dog has some freakin vocals. She is very obnoxious. She barks, and barks, and never seems to lose her voice. If we had an intruder...she would not attack, she would just simply bark the intruder to death. I tell you this useless information simply for no reason other than she resides with me and if I were to some reason go insane...the reason is in the above picture.
Okay, so like....I was on the metro this very afternoon and I was just standing on the train...holding onto the poll, (I know what you're thinking guys. No, not like that.) There were seats available, but I really didn't feel like sitting all that much. So, I am standing there like I said, and I am staring at the floor kinda...drifing off into my own little world...and there...on the very carpet I was standing...was BIRD POOP! Yes! You heard correctly...................Like HOW does a freakin bird get onto the train in the very first place? I am sure he did not pay the $1.50 to ride. These people are very serious about their money too. Here is a picture of the poop:
Monday, December 7, 2009
Yesterday (December 6th) I went to the SAINTS GAAAAAAAAAAAAME!
Oh! It was so much fun! We drove down to FedEx Field in DC and I ate the worst hamburger ever! It was like $10 too and it was cold, and gross. It was also like 35 degrees the whole stinkin time. Honest to God I was not cold at all, except for my poor toes. My little piggies almost got frost bite! I was surpised too, cuz I had on seriously 3 pairs of socks. Plus all I was wearing was a hat, gloves, a puffer vest and a sweater(& pants, duh). Everyone else had like huge winter coats. I wasn't cold though, only for my toes. Everyone kept warning me before we left to put on a heavyer coat and layers. I kept trying to explain that I just came from MISSOURI people. I am adapted to cold weather and my body can adjust fast....unlike you washington pepsqueeks. So, I was fine.
Other than the cold, when you go to a game, you come back with stories. Here is mine.
Aside from the whole cold debacle, we got to our designated parking spot in the 'gray' area. We didn't realize it was so far away from the we went and asked these Saints fans (cuz the Redskins morons were being jerks) if they knew where we could take a short cut. Well, they did. It was like the stupidest misteak we made all day. The day before, it had snowed quite a bit, so it was very very very muddy and snow was still everywhere. So we had to hike through these woods, which was an adventure. Here is a picture:
Oh! It was so much fun! We drove down to FedEx Field in DC and I ate the worst hamburger ever! It was like $10 too and it was cold, and gross. It was also like 35 degrees the whole stinkin time. Honest to God I was not cold at all, except for my poor toes. My little piggies almost got frost bite! I was surpised too, cuz I had on seriously 3 pairs of socks. Plus all I was wearing was a hat, gloves, a puffer vest and a sweater(& pants, duh). Everyone else had like huge winter coats. I wasn't cold though, only for my toes. Everyone kept warning me before we left to put on a heavyer coat and layers. I kept trying to explain that I just came from MISSOURI people. I am adapted to cold weather and my body can adjust fast....unlike you washington pepsqueeks. So, I was fine.
Other than the cold, when you go to a game, you come back with stories. Here is mine.
Aside from the whole cold debacle, we got to our designated parking spot in the 'gray' area. We didn't realize it was so far away from the we went and asked these Saints fans (cuz the Redskins morons were being jerks) if they knew where we could take a short cut. Well, they did. It was like the stupidest misteak we made all day. The day before, it had snowed quite a bit, so it was very very very muddy and snow was still everywhere. So we had to hike through these woods, which was an adventure. Here is a picture:
It was very pretty!
So we went through these woodys areas for about 3 minutes and then came to a makeshift bridge:
The bridge is behind this very cute military man name Josh.
So Josh is this military guy, with his military friends. They just happen to pass us up to make sure everything was safe for us sivilians. So we cross this bridge, and come to a tiny hill that leads to the road where the stadium is at. So the tiny hill is no problem, but the mud is. Like I said, it snowed the day before and so the ground was naturally not suitable for us ladies to manuver whilst wet.
Here is Josh, helping us up the slippery slope.
So, we walk up the slope, onto the road:
And right infront of us is THE STADIUM!!!!!!!!!!
So, before the stadium, I decided I really had to pee. All I could see was nasty port-o-pottys. When you gotta go, you gotta go! So, my friend Denise, decided she needed to take a picture of me entering the latrine. Here it is:
So, after the potty, we went into THE STADIUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!
Twas awesome!
Yeah, so we found our seats. The view was delightful!
like, wow! So close!
It's so much better than watching it on TV, with the little dots of running, bulky men in helmets.
Then after we sat down, we got some food. The nasty hamburger...and some hot chocolate which was delicious. Then the players came out to stretch :)
Well, I mean they're right there. Why not take a picture?
So then after that they huddled:
Cha, like, a real live huddle!
They went on their merry way to start the game.
And after that, I stopped taking pictures cuz I wanted to watch. BUT, that is NOT the end of my story.
If you saw the game, you know how crazy it was. We were in the 4th quarter, down by 7 and then by some God given miricle, we got a touchdown and a field goal and were tied 30-30. So in order to claim actual victory against these thumb sucking Redskin lamos, we did a sudden death round. If you don't know what that means; the first team to score, wins. We won! Cuz we are AWESOME! 12&0! Heck yesssssssss!! I was worried there for a second too. Beat that you dumb Redskins fans who were all up in our business! Ha!
The story is STILL not over. Almost though.
After the game, I had to pee again. I went into the ladies room and waited in a line. When I got up to the front, this super drunk bimbo was like cutting infront of everyone and was banging on all the stall doors. So, finally she got one. (I was so not messing with this chick, she looked green). So, she went in, I got into a stall, peed and came out. Right when I passed the stall she was in, she puked. NOT in the toilet might I add. Instead ON my new grey wool knee high boots from D&W. Yes, she did. I am still baffled at how she was in the stall and didn't puke into the toilet, and yet under the door which splattered chunky vomit onto my boots...So luckily it wasn't all that much and the snow was able to take care of it before we got into the car. (I am sanitizing my poor boots as we speak.)
So, that was it. We walked back to the car...the long way this time. We got passed by many pissy Redskins fans. I high fived with a lot of hunky Saints fans who kept passing me screaming "WHO DAT!"
Sunday, December 6, 2009
So, yesterday (December 5th) was the very very very very first snow fall of the season!!! It snowed all day! It was beautiful. Sadly, I have a lamo camera and I didn't get to take that many pictures. P.S. If my family is reading this, take note on the "lamo camera part." *Cough* christmas present to Gaby *Cough*. It was a wonderful Christmasy day. We went Christmas tree shopping ( in the snow!!!!!!), and I had egg nogg for the first time. It wasn't bad! The alcohol part made it zesty. Makers Mark + Egg Nogg = good times.
Here are some pictures of random things just to show you the white stuff. Enjoy, be jealous. ;D
Here are some pictures of random things just to show you the white stuff. Enjoy, be jealous. ;D
De X-mas Tree. Un- decorated. The decorated version is coming soon.
Outside my apartment building, right in the beginning of the snowy decent.
Look at that car. Stealin all tha snow...
On the back porch. More cars, with more snow.
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