Yo yo yo

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


So, I went to the Smithsonian a few days ago with my guy friend Diar and I totally FORGOT my camera.

So, like, the Smithsonian is free and all and it was only a few Metro stops away from my school and since I have two hours until my next class (p.s. if you plan on going to the Smithsonian, ever, make it an all day event. Trust me.) so we decided to go on over to the Smithsonian and look at interesting things.

So, we get over there and we are walking to it and this guy with a "bum" leg hobbles over to us and is all like "where are you and your lady going?" and Diars all like, "er the smithsonian." Then is hobo decides to give us this like long ass speech on the different Smithsonians and what they have and just as we were thanking him and trying to scoot away he is all like.....".....and the wildlife and aquatic section is over there..and do you want to donate any money to me? It's for Haiti?" I was all like, "er, we are struggling artist on our way to make some cash with our trumpets in my book bag, sorry." So he accepted this and we walked away.

So, we get to the door, open it, walk inside and through the medal detector and I quickly remember I have a knife in my bookbag. Seriously, I shit you not. I didn't feel like bringing my tool kit to class cause it's so effing heavy so I just threw some things in my bad along with a pairing knife. So the metal detector doesn't even go off and I am all like...er? okay....and the security guard was like, uhh I need to check your back pack. So I am like okay....and I hand it to him and he's like....OPEN IT! and I am like...wow, er okay? So I open it and he squishes all my bread (read previous blog) and then hands it back and I am all like....wow...great security?!

So we go rush through the Smithsonian. Some pictures. Like I said before, I forgot my camera so here are some low quality shots from my crumby phone.


The skeleton of a money......sick people.

The floating uhh....sea otters...

Creepy ass tiki dolls from ancient Rome or whatever.

A centipede.

This crazy ass old lady holding a hissing cockroach.

The crazy ass old lady holding a stick bug..

Seriously, a freakin cobra.

and a Teranchila (sp?)

And that is all, cause my phone was running our of memory.
So THEN after we realized we were running our of time, we were hungry and I wasn't about to eat any more bread (previous blog) especially since that security bastard squished it all. So, strangly, they had a cafe there. I got chicken fingers. Then they had a gift shop. And incase you didn't know, The Night At The Museum was filmed at the Smithsonian so they had all kinds of Night At The Museum shiz. It was pretty neat. I got a pack of postcards and sent them out to everyone I know. They said.....LOOK! I WENT TO THE SMITHSONIAN! IT WAS AWESOME. Cause, truly, it was. You really should go one time.

That is all for now.


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