Yo yo yo

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Another Blizzard. FML.

Okay, well not exactly a blizzard, but it's two or four inches of white death. I do not approve atmosphere.

Well since I wrote last, many, yet not so many things have happened. ALTHOUGH I did gain like 5 lbs eating bread for two weeks.

So, in class we are on The Bread Chapter. It should be called....Death By Bread Chapter. Seriously we made so much effing bread and had to taste it all that I was on the verge of puking. Not all was bad.....but a lot was. Not because the bread itself, but because me and my team mates decided that we don't give a flying fuck about bread and it wont be in our bake shops so we skipped some steps to make the process go by faster....here are our failed products::

Rye bread failure. It looks nice (?), but tasted like dirt and yeast.

They're suppose to be dinner rolls, but they look like disfunctional siamese twins.

Our French Bagette. Honest to all god, it just happend. We didn't even try to make it look like this.

And we made bad sour dough, and these nasty ass things called Hot Cross Buns. They were disgusting and tasted like you were chewing on acid.

Some of the good things we made :D

This is Fricatta. Technically we messed it up, but I give it 10000 stars cause it tasted like a freakin pizza.

The Fricatta baked. Freakin, yum!

i made this beautiful materpiece. It's Challa. AMAZING!

This is a sweet bun. They were the best things EVER.

More Sweet Buns :D

PIZZA! It looks like digiourno. No, it was al la TEAM ONE!

PITA BREAD! Omg this stuff was so fun to make.

Now, for the best thing we made of all....DOUGHNUTS!! Cha! Like we actually made DOUGHNUTS!!
Ze process:

You make and cut the dough and let it poof some.

Then you stick them in the fryer.

Then you roll them in cinnamon and sugar (or whatever) and EAT!
They were so effing good. Like, best doughnuts EVER.

And that be all. This week coming, hopefully we will make some amazing desserts.

Random Pictures:

We randomly made Creme Brulee. It was actually bad. Like, in general it taste like eggs and cream. Nasty. If you go to a resturant, don't ever buy this shit. It's stupidly expensive and taste like ass.

A ghetto locker at my school.

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