Yes, people...I am aware. But I do not care what YOU think, and to prove so, I have bought the entire series. Yep! 11 whole entire seasons! It's really interesting. Like I always hated MASH and then one day I was just sitting home and it was on and I started watching it and I got hooked. Like, it isn't funny. They make a lot of stupid jokes. I never laugh, but somehow its just....interesting. Besdies...the guys are hot and that makes it entertaining.
In other news...well...I don't really have any other news. I want it to be Christmas break already. I really want to go home and see my grandparents and sleep in my own bed and hug my dog! I really reallllllllllly miss my dog.

I miss her terribly. :(
Anyway, I registered for classes last night at 12:01. Why at midnight you ask? Well the stupid stupid shit hole of a school I go too thinks they're being all neato and decided to open registration online for our Winter 10' classes then. So I had to like...stay up....till 12:01 and register and um well I couldn't figure it out so I had to call my friend and he had to walk me through it and I felt stupid. But it kinda got messed up, so I will have to go fix it at school tomorrow. So I was mad about that crap.
Christmas is soon and my mom keeps asking me what I want and I have no clue. I hate getting presents unless its something I really really want which is rare. I really really want a new cellphone cuz mine is a dinosoar, but I looked at the new phone AT&T has and they're all old and lame-ish so I will have to wait until Decemeber cuz usually thats when the new phones come out. BUT...since I HAD to make a list...
- Beatles Monopoly :
And then their is some movies and gift cards. Plus it's only the beginning on November and this list could easily change by then.
And for the sonngg:
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