Yo yo yo

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bananaz and Gorillaz

Don't ya just love me for putting awesome Z's at the end of every stinkin word?

I don't really feel like putting any pictures up todayz so I izn't gowin tew. <~Me talkin gangstaa.

Yeah so I go by Gabrielle now...except it's pronounced gObrielle cuz my mother gets mad when people emphasize the A cuz it should sound all sophisticated with an O and whatnot. So, basically I've decided upon Gabrielle because I'm kinda sick of my name. It kinda sucks...a lot. I don't mean that I get teased...I did once, though because my friend and I were on the phone together in middle school and her dad asked her what she was doing and she said..."I'm on the phone with Gaby" and he was all like...."oooh you're Gabbing on the phone with Gaby bahahaha."

It's not funny.

But yes....Gabrielle because I yam 20 nowz and I need to be a big girl and not have nicknames and whatnot. My family is having a hard time considering this new arrangement so it's really up the everyone new I meet to maintain Gabrielle and not be lazy and give me my nickname back.


Happy freakin new year. 2011...one more year until our crazy, world colliding death. Yayz!

Just kidding. I don't really believe the worlds going to end. The Mayans were stupid lazy people who wouldn't finish the damn calender and thought it might be funny to scare a few dumb people who are actually stupid enough to believe that in December of 2012 we will all perish suddenly so God can watch a new batch of humans figure out how to make fire and create morals and discover dinosaur bones and whatever else we really do with ourselves until death happens.

I do indeed realize how morbid this sounds, but I don't care....because you, and I, and really everyone with their brains somewhat in tact knowz how dumb the haters are being. Fo sho.

Pictures that I said I wasn't going to put up, but I yam now anywayz

This is muh dawg Jude. Hes adoorable...I knowz this. Hes obviously in the Christmas spirit because he let me keep the bow on his head and he also ate all the candy canes off of our Christmas tree...

And this is me in my Christmas hat....it twas warm.

Here is a video....although it has drug reference in it...I claim to have NO affiliation with any drugs (truth) and it was just a joke so don't go all psycho on us cuz we are just kidz...tryin to be kewl....plus we were really bored today so yeah ha.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bElTNFMwJwY (<~clicketh here)

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