Yo yo yo

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Basically you should follow me, because #1 I'm really cool. #2 I write about my life...whats more interesting? Nothing. #3 I post lots of sweet pictures....and basically that's all I can think of right now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I don't know what to title this blog today mainly cause I am super tired and not in a creative mood or whatever so let me get to the point here.

So, I have three stories to tell you guys about today and yesterday and they have nothing to do with anything, but I have no one to tell and the main point of my blog is to just say what is on my mind no matter what it is because that helps me not get headaches and stuff from keeping all this crap in my brain. So I figure if I write it all down I can erase the details from my brain so I can make room for other things. If this made no sense, well, it made sense in my head so...moving on!

I try and tell my husband these little stories about my day, but he just laughs at me so I will tell you and if you laugh I will never know so I assume you're being sympathetic for or with me.

Here we go!

First thing...I was at this deserted mall (literally I have only seen a total of 10 people there, not including myself or the people that work there, actually in the mall so it is totally dead, but huge and I wont reveal my source cause I like going there and having to wait in no lines and having the employees all to my self.) and I was just leaving and I usually park in the same spot cause my favorite store (also not being revealed due to people maybe making fun of me) and I enter through the JCPenny's mens department. Well I was leaving like I said and there is this old black man (I am not racist, really...I love black people.) behind me and so there are two doors to go through to get outside so since he was behind me I held the door, cause uhh well I am surly not going to just let it fall in his face...? So I hold the door and wait for him to grab it and he gave me a surprised look and was like (he had an accent) "oh my gawd! thank you!" and I was like uh huh and smiled, and went through the other door and did the same thing and he like went crazy and was all like, "ohmyGAWD! why you be so nice to me?! thank you!" and I just kinda smiled and kept walking and he was like.... "I'll remember you! When you come back in de store I will remember your face! You get some great service dare!" So at this point I was like...wtf? Like, why was he all crazy on me for holding the door for him? Like, I know we like put your people into slavery and stuff, but c'mon....white people do nice things sometimes.
-So basically that's that story...if you have any comments about this you can leave a one below by the way... moving on!

The 2nd story was today....
My car is super disgusting, cause I never have anyone in it cause I don't drive all that much in DC unless I need something or to go to the metro cause I take the metro almost everywhere even though I hate it, so I just trash my car up to make it look like a regular teens car and it finally got too gross for me to handle so when I came home from school today I decided to get a bag and get rid of all the trash and I even spent 4 whole dollars on the stupid vacuum thingy to vacuum it out and Windex-ed my windows and sanitized my seats and all that good stuff. So I decided that since I did all that, I might as well go full out and get some gas too. So I drive down to the BP and get out and swipe my card and it says to enter my zip and I do, but I then realized that my credit card is a New Orleans credit card and not a Virginia credit card and I entered the wrong zip so it messed up and said to go see the cashier. So I go inside and all and there is this cute guy at the counter and I go up to him and tell him whats up and he is clearly in a bad mood or something cause he got a tude with me and was like...."did you put the pump in your car?" And I was like..."no?" He was like again in detail thinking I am dumb and didn't understand the first time he said this..."you didn't unscrew your gas cap and stick the pump in your car?" and I said again...."No." And so he started messing with his computer thing  and got all pissy with me and was like..."that pump is in your car! It has to be!" and at this point he lost his cuteness and I went from happy because of my hard work and clean car to....are you calling me a liar bitch? so he goes and asks this guy to go out and pull the pump from my car and I said again..."it's not in there." but he ignores me and the guy goes out...clearly sees no pump...and walks back in. Now the guy I think suspected he didn't find any pump in my gas thingy but he didn't say anything and then the story ended with him finally making the pump work and me getting gas. But the point of this was....what an ass! You don't act that way to a customer...especially not me cause I am Gaby...fuck! And he kept calling me ma'am...DO I LOOK LIKE A MA'AM TO YOU!?
 This is NOT a ma'am face! asshole.

Next story.....
It's short...I am cleaning out my car an all and I only get 5 minutes on the vacuum for every 2 dollars so I am going lightening speed cause I could only find 4 dollars worth of quarters in my piggy bank so I needed to get everything on the first two tries here and it ends up shutting off at the right moment right when I am done. So I am done with all that and I go to shut all the doors to my car I left open and I get to the front passenger side and BAM! A stink bug! So I get nervous cause bugs are...gross...and I just got done with the vacuum and I could have sucked it up then and I am all out of quarters. My car is clean here people and I need to figure this out before he flies somewhere else and I lose him and then I go to drive somewhere and he like trys to attack me or something. So I look around at all the things I have in my car that could capture it which isn't much cause I just cleaned it out and I see a V8 Splash bottle and I go empty it out and come back cause I am thinking I am a genius and am going to capture it in this bottle here, but I edge towards it and came to the decision that I am going to have to find something a lot longer to get this thing with than this bottle cause I am getting to close and it could fly in my face. So I have a notebook in my car and I throw it at that but it misses and the stupid thing crawls right on top of my notebook. So I grab my GPS and throw it at that but it misses again and so I fish it back by the cord and try again and finally it squishes it, but now I have a dead bug in my car and it's guts are on my newly cleaned car carpet thing. So I tear a page out of my notebook and scoop it up and then I had to 409 the carpet...the end.

Thanks for listening to my pointless-ness. Have a good weekend.

(comment at the bottom!)

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